Mar 19, 2021
In Episode 30 of BEST HIRE
EVER, Kris
Dunn talks to Kinetix CEO Shannon
Russo about being a woman founder and the complexities of women
rising in the business world. With the backdrop of Women's History
Month, Shannon shares her story and compares and contrasts what she
experienced coming up as a Wall Street analyst vs what women
experience in 2021. Spoiler alert - it's complicated!
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3:00 - Shannon gives the listeners a rundown of her
background - more finance than HR or recruiting, but all
TA and recruiting since founding Kinetix in 2004.
9:10 - KD asks Shannon how she made it in a male
dominated world? Shannon shares she never thought
about it that way, and that might be a key. Shannon talks
about how she was raised, growing up around brothers (note she has
a sister who's a firefighter)
- KD asks Shannon to describe how it's harder for career-oriented
women today than when she was starting out? How’s it
- Shannon shares her nuggets of wisdom for women who want to become
business leaders in today’s world?
- KD asks Shannon to describe her style related to mentoring women
in today’s business world. Shannon thinks it's easier for
her as a woman to mentor than it is for men in 2021. Shannon
focuses mentees on not being the victim and also the danger of
imposter's syndrome sneaking into the heads of women she
- KD asks Shannon how men can be better related to being an
advocate for women in the workplace. Shannon focuses on
men being a coach and staying engaged as an advocate for women in
the workplace.
- Shannon finishes the following sentence: To really arrive in
today’s business world, women need to
40:06 - Shannon talks about the family DNA -
she's a woman founder and her sister was a firefighter. How did
that happen? Shannon points to athletics as key.
41.21 - KD asks Shannon for the best piece of work
advice she's given her college-age daughter to prepare her
for the world of work.