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May 22, 2020

Welcome to Best Hire Ever, the podcast about hiring top talent with undeniably talented corporate leaders, recruiters and candidates hosted by Kris Dunn, Kinetix CHRO and partner (Founder of Fistful of Talent, The HR Capitalist and author of The 9 Faces of HR) Today KD interviews friend and mentor Harry Joiner to...

May 15, 2020

Welcome to Best Hire Ever, the podcast about hiring top talent with undeniably talented corporate leaders, recruiters and candidates hosted by Kris Dunn, Kinetix CHRO and partner (Founder of Fistful of Talent, The HR Capitalist and author of The 9 Faces of HR) Today KD interviews Liz Desio, a resident of NYC and HR...

May 7, 2020

On the second episode of BEST HIRE EVER, Kris Dunn talks to Connie Costigan, VP of Communications and Brand Advocacy at Saba Software, about her key in making great hires - the ownership mindset. Connie and KD discuss the challenges of identifying hires with the ability to create and display total ownership as part...